Legal Notice
Carl Meiser GmbH & Co.KG
Textile Processing & Finishing | Technical Textiles
Stadionstrasse 75
D-72461 Albstadt-Tailfingen
Phone: +49 7432 980 5 0
Fax: +49 7432 980 5 31
CEO: Jens Meiser
Value Added Tax Identification Number (VATIN): D 144843379
Text, pictures, graphics, design/layout/composition fall under the protection of copy right law and all other protective laws. For the content of and it is illegal to copy it for commercial purposes, to distribute it, to change it, to implement it, to save it in databanks or to make it accessible to third parties or to sell it. To do any of the above, you need the written permission of the company Carl Meiser GmbH&Co.KG. The links of the website of the company Carl Meiser GmbH&Co.KG have been carefully selected. The company Carl Meiser GmbH&Co.KG is not liable for their content nor for any other external links.
Concept, Design und Programming: Kieweg und Freiermuth Werbeagentur GmbH,